Useful Food Vocabulary

Fruit | Vegetables | Meat and Fish | Other Food

Masculine Feminine Young
cow Bull Cow Calf
sheep Ram Sheep Lamb
pig Boar Sow Piglet
hen Cockerel Hen Chicken

Commonly Eaten Types of Fish
Types of Steak
Things to do with eggs
egg(s) egg
boiled egg(s) boiled egg
scrambled egg(s) scrambled egg
fried egg(s) fried egg

Naturally Speaking

Uncountable Nouns

A lot of food is made up of uncountable nouns, to make them countable you need to put them in another form.

For example:-

"A ...... of ......".="A piece of fruit."

Here is a list of some of the uncountable nouns in this quarter's vocabulary and some ways to make them countable.

asparagus A bunch of asparagus.
beef A slice of beef.
bread A slice of bread.
broccoli A piece of broccoli.
butter A pat of butter.
corn An ear of corn.
fruit A piece of fruit.
garlic A bulb of garlic.
honey A pot of honey.
jam A jar of jam.
lamb A leg of lamb.
pepper A pot of pepper.
pork A joint of pork.
rice A grain of rice.
salt A pinch of salt.
spaghetti A strand of spaghetti.
sugar A cube of sugar.

It's Friday afternoon and John's friend Mark is coming for tea tomorrow.
Mrs S: John, is Mark coming for tea tomorrow?
John: Yes mum, I told you yesterday!
Mrs S: Oh did you? Sorry, I must have forgotten.
John: What are we having?
Mrs S: I don't know yet, I was just writing out the shopping list. What sort of things does he like?
John: Anything, just about. I know he hates pasta though, he never eats school dinner if it's pasta.
Mrs S: OK, what about pizza.
John: Yeah, pizza would be great, not too much salad though please mum.
Mrs S: How about a fruit salad for pudding instead?
John: With ice cream?
Mrs S: Yes, ok.
John: Great, I can't wait!
Entertaining at Home - It's Saturday and John's friend Mark has just arrived.
John: Hi Mark!
Mark Hi John, how's it going?
John: Fine, and you?
Mark Oh you know.
John: Yeah, tell me about it.
Mrs S: Hello Mark, how are you.
Mark: Very well thank you Mrs Smith.
John Mum, can we go and play in my room?
Mrs S: Yes, after tea. We're having pizza tonight Mark, is that alright?
Mark: Yes Mrs Smith that should be fine, but I am a vegetarian.
Mrs S: Oh John, you didn't tell me!
John Sorry mum, I didn't know.
Mrs S: Well it's just as well I bought mushroom pizza as well then, isn't it?
Mark: I'm sorry if it's any trouble Mrs Smith.
Mrs S: Don't worry Mark, it's not your fault, we can eat the salami pizza and you can have the mushroom one. Why don't you both go and play upstairs, tea will be a little bit longer than expected!
John: This way Mark.


Games and Tests for this Vocabulary Unit

All these games and tests open in a new window.

Dictation and Spelling Test
Match It - Fruit
Match It - Vegetables
Memory - Fruit
Memory - Vegetables
Reading and Comprehension
Rumble - in association with Eating
Video - Let's enjoy cooking! (May take a while to load)
Word search - Fruit
Word search - Vegetables
Word Search - Mix